
The Silent Servant


There are two things I want to do in this blog today. I want to talk to you about the overlooked areas of service. And then I want to open up and share something from my personal writing journey that most readers wouldn’t know about. I hope you’ll walk away feeling encouraged about your own place of service and enlightened about the life of a common author.

Let’s start by establishing the fact that each individual is gifted, crafted, and designed to perform a different task. Are some jobs worth more than others? Is a doctor’s efforts worth more than a janitor’s? Is the teacher’s job more important than the factory worker’s? Is the police officer’s service more meaningful than the mailman’s?

That all depends on who it is you’re working for.

The Bible tells us that we are to work not unto man but unto God. Everything we do, we’re to do it for Him. For His glory. For His purposes. For His kingdom.
You see, it’s not our work or society’s ideals that determine the value of our labor. It’s unto Who we’re doing it for. Anything done for the Lord is important and of GREAT value.

I love the book of Nehemiah and the image of service God offers through it. The people were rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. This was no small task! Worse than that, they were threatened by their enemies. So much so that half of the men worked while the other half stood guard. What an image! We need people working with us and also people standing behind us, covering our backs with prayers.
But there’s more. The people were assigned a specific section of the wall to rebuild. I hope you noted that word, specific. They didn’t rebuild their favorite sections. They didn’t get bored with their section and work on someone else’s. They worked on the section assigned to them. AND their work was recorded. NONE of it went unnoticed. Not only do we have a record of it preserved in our Bible but God, Himself, has noted everything done in His name and is waiting to reward His faithful servants.

So I come to you today to remind you to do your work cheerfully, not despising the small stuff, because when it’s done for Christ it has great value.

And now I want to tear down that wall between author and reader and allow you to peek inside and take notice of something that you may not have known.

As an author, I’m expected to do one thing: Publish books. And yet I wasn’t able to publish anything in 2016. It wasn’t from a lack of wanting to, or from a lack of story, or any other such thing. I didn’t publish anything in 2016 because the Lord wouldn’t allow it. For reasons only known to Him I was delayed, sick, overwhelmed, and just unable to do all that my little heart desired to do. And yet…I’ve been busy. Much busier than even I knew. While I continued to work on my own manuscript, God enabled me to keep up with a different sort of work on the side. The work of a silent servant. Publication is one of those rare moments when you’re ushered into the limelight. But this work kept me hidden away, which was perfectly fine with me. Despite what this may sound like, I’m not sharing this with you so I can step back into the limelight. I really think it’ll bless your heart to know that there’s so much more going on behind the scenes of your favorite books.

While I didn’t publish anything in 2016, I spent countless hours with other authors. I spent time encouraging them, fellowshipping with them in ways that only another author can do, and even helping them.
My fans are wondering where my next book is, but did you know that I’ve had my hands in FIVE different publications in 2016 alone? I joined critique teams for other authors and offered them sound advice and loving encouragement for their work. While their stories are uniquely their own and their writing styles differ from mine, the same me-ness that marks my pages reached out and touched a few others.
I love to help another author strengthen their work. I love to come along side them as they sweat through the writing process and offer them a cool drink of water and a pat on the back.

As I reflected on my writing year, I was surprised to see that while I didn’t put out anything with my name on it in 2016, the fruit of my labors had gone out. These books are challenging and encouraging readers as we speak. I’m grateful to the Lord and the beloved authors for allowing me to take part in it. And may my experience remind you that the small things we do behind the scenes really do count. You may not be the doctor who saved a life today, but he’s grateful to the one who fixed his breakfast and helped him to get his day started. You may not be the general, but a general is nothing without a regiment of privates. You may not be the pastor, but your prayers are working in his life.

So while you’re waiting for my next release, may I encourage you to pick up something else that I’ve had my hands in? 🙂
Journey of a Letter and Befriending the Beast by Amanda Tero
Hello, Forever and Until Then by Krista Noorman (You’ll want to read this series in order, so start with Goodbye, Magnolia. I was a part of the critique team for that one too. 😉 )
A Love to Come Home to by Alicia Ruggieri (This is another series that you’ll want to read in order. I had the pleasure of helping with books 2 and 3).



7 thoughts on “The Silent Servant”

  1. Loved this today! Loved how you have been encouraging and helping other writers . I sometimes feel like I am doing nothing, and yet the Lord has more leading a small Facebook group doing a Bible study together. There I am an encourager, a prayer, and a blessed. God is good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s wonderful!!!
      We often underestimate the things we do. It’s very common, especially among women, to see more value in someone else’s work. Thankfully God doesn’t see us that way. Your place of service is changing lives. Never doubt that! Just stay faithful to Him and stay the course! 🙂
      Thanks for sharing. I’m glad it blessed you today.


    1. You’re spot on! A strong community is a MUST. I wrote solo for such a long time and it was very draining. When I was finally brave enough to reach out, I never regretted it.
      And thank you. It’s amazing how blessing others blesses me in return. 🙂
      Happy writing!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve always believed that there are no “unimportant” jobs. If the trash collectors didn’t pick up our garbage, we would be buried in it and wouldn’t be able to do anything. If the fast food employees didn’t provide our meal, we would be too hungry to do our jobs efficiently. Whatever your job in life, be proud that you are filling an important role, and helping someone else do their job!
    I am happy that you’ve been able to pass along your knowledge and experience to help other authors. I’m sure you’ve been a blessing to them. I’m so glad you are willing to follow where God leads you, even if it means taking a back seat to someone else for awhile. You will be blessed for it in your own works in the future. I am waiting patiently to find out what happens next to all my favorite characters though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re absolutely right, Kim! These little jobs really do support all of us.
      And thank you so much. That was very encouraging. I often forget that even in taking the back seat, I was following Christ.
      Eeek!! I can’t wait for you to find out either!! It won’t be much longer!!!


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